May I have your attention please? Attention for detail that is…

Chasing Tales
October or november 2008. Once again I am visiting a band while they’re rehearsing. Chasing Tales would love to record a demo and their earlier work was nice enough to visit them.
They play two songs for me that evening. I choose Melody because of it’s composition. The song has a nice combined action of the guitars and a surprisingly end. Thomas, the drummer, plays along well with the metronome, even after I remove his sight to it so he can only hear it. It’s a little test. In the studio he can’t see the metronome as well.

De Telegraaf november 19, 2008
When we record their Melody on three Sundays by the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009, the 4 gentleman of Chasing Tales definitely give attention to detail. They are not easily satisfied: they had to play perfectly in the various studio’s at SAE in Rotterdam, where Maarten Reinen was so kind to assist and donate studiotime.
During february and march I mix the song using Apple’s Logic. One final meeting at SAE follows for the finishing touch.
The attention to details pays off, if you ask me. But don’t hesitate to click on the mp3-box below and judge for yourself.