Mensergerjen!et performing live
Treasures are sometimes hard to find, hiding at a place you wouldn’t expect. This song is just like that. Transparant is the third and last song from Mensergerjeniet and to be honest I didn’t ever get really enthusiast about it after the recordings.
But I had to change my opinion. A lot. When I started processing the recordings earlier this month (about 30 audiotracks and 20 effecttracks), they proved to generate a very open and clearly song.
The clearly rimclicks by Paul in combination with the sound of a woodblock, Bart’s lovely muted trumpet solo, the step back taken by the complete band when Dirk plays his solo on guitar, Paul who’s creating his own moment during a break at the end of the song: transparant truly is a treasure!
Enjoy it by clicking on the mp3 box below 😀