It’s been a very busy end of the year. Originally, I planned presenting two more productions to you in 2008. The recordings of “Wil je weten wie ik ben?” by Blokade are finished a few weeks already, but the mix still isn’t there where it should be. And because of that, another project, “Wake up!” was being delayed as well.
Because of that, I won’t end 2008, but will start 2009 with a soul/funk project. What you get if you combine some members of the band Compaz with the drummer of Simply Red sounds very nice. “Wake up!” has been recorded a while ago in SAE’s studio’s, but a new version has been created using Apple’s Logic. Percussion, reverse drumsounds and tempo based effects.
“Remember your loved ones, ’cause they make your world”. It’s a nice suggestion for this new year. And once again, thanks to the kind permission of Andreas Oszkiel I can present to you not just 30 seconds, but the whole 5 plus minutes! Credits go to all the artists and engineers. This version was mixed for educational purposes during my audio engineering diploma course.
So what is going on in early 2009? Chasing Tales (anyone who saw Teun’s guitar?) almost finished the recording of their song Melody. Mensergerjeniet will record 4 kleine woordjes as a demo, and Before Dawn wants to record a demo, but suddenly has a vacancy for a drummer.
One final word: it has come to my attention that the subscribe box on the right of this page was missing. As you can see, it has been restored 🙂 So if you wish, now you can again (if you haven’t already done so) leave your email address so you get notified when a now song has been published on this site.
I wish you all a happy and musical 2009! Click the mp3 box below to listen to Wake up!. Enjoy!